Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Sights and Sounds of High School free essay sample

The stern voices of teachers are heard across quads as they issue JUG to moronic students for the most immature offenses. D) The trees as they sway wistfully in the wind. E) And the crows mocking students that pass by. Walking down the hall today, I heard many interesting sounds. The wind is blowing through the trees causing them to sway back and forth wistfully as if herding students back through the gateway of learning.The irritating laugh of rows is heard from the trees as if mocking students that pass by. The sound of heavy footsteps are heard around the corner as slow, exhausted students enter the quad somewhat ready for the exciting day of learning that is ahead of them. Lockers creak open and slam shut as students retrieve their things for class. Young freshmen are heard screaming their high, ear-splitting screeches which echo throughout the halls.The stern voices of teachers are heard across the quad as they issue JUG to moronic students who have omitted the most immature offenses against school rules, and those same students pleading voices as they try to squirm and squeal their way out of after school detention. We will write a custom essay sample on The Sights and Sounds of High School or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The sound of students taking part in heated debates about the most recent presidential election are scattered around campus among many students. As if they were political pundits who could truly forecast the future of our country. These are only few of the interesting sounds of a typical day at Jesuit High School.